A series of conceptual designs for our national parks and iconic destinations.
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"Sometimes making art becomes a process of reduction down to essential elements. Whatever does not contribute to the whole must be discarded leaving only the essence of a place."
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TAOS New Mexico
The first concept features a unique treatment of the name TAOS reducing the letter forms down to graphic elements. I wanted the iconic look of a cross subtle but evident intermixed with the pared down simplicity of native American graphic art.
Detail of TAOS
CANYONLANDS: Evening Light
This design was meant to communicate what the Painted Desert in Arizona felt like just before a blood red sun set in the west as we drove home to our hotel.
Detail of Evening Light
CANYONLANDS: Colorado River
Back to the simplicity of working without reference. An in exercise composition. I have been working with textures over the last year for auto graphics and use them to enhance and enrich tones when effective-something I teach students in my 2180 Concept Illustration course. I decided to add texture to this design and it just works.
Detail of Colorado River​​​​​​​
Detail of Colorado River
This composition was created from memory after reviewing several photos I took on our raft ride down the river. I like the freedom that constructing art from memory provides as opposed to following a specific image. This scene more fully represents the feeling of the canyon than my photos.
Detail for Glen Canyon
CANYONLANDS: Arches National Park
Had to create a poster for Utah. The terrain is so unique.
Detail for Arches National Park
Detail for Arches National Park



A series of conceptual designs for Iconic American National Parks and places.
